Here you’ll find unique items that we carry in our shop! Many of the items we will post here will be exclusive with us in the Grayling and surrounding area. This is obviously not all we have in our shop…just a sampling of some of the finer things for the discriminating angler or outdoorsman. Please feel free to call us at 989.344.2700 or simply stop in and see it for yourself!
The Riverboat models are 22-23″ long and are made from white pine, cherry, black walnut, or birdseye maple. Please call the shop for pricing and availability. They are one-of-a-kind gift ideas. Each boat is signed by Lacey. They will look real good sitting on a fireplace mantel in your or your friends cabin!
Dan Feldhauser Art
We can get just about anything that Dan has available on his website in a multitude of print sizes. Be sure to check out Dan’s art on his website: He is a local artist and his work is AMAZING!!
Ruth Forman Art
Pictures do no justice for the quality of these hand-carved and hand painted (not air-brushed) trout! You really need to see these in person and up close to get a full appreciation for the attention to detail that was put into making these!